If you enjoy reading Shut Up & Sit and want to dive even deeper, our online community-based courses are open NOW! Head over to our Community Course page to choose from three levels of our online “inner MBA,” where you’ll practice integrative and mindful Mastery of your Behaviors and Aspirations. (Psst… there’s even a free version!) If you’re ready for the ultimate support in breaking free from the limiting beliefs holding you back in life, JOIN US NOW.
Anytime you’re seeking a shift in your life—be it a pesky habit or a pivotal belief, something minor or seismic—there’s going to be a shift in your energy. I’m not just talking about the power that propels you out of bed in the morning or gets you through that last mile on the treadmill (although your alertness and physical stamina might be impacted too.)
But I’m talking about energy changing on a physics and metaphysics level.
There’s a formula that captures this shift perfectly:
Intention + Attention = Manifestation
In other words, the intention you’re setting (or goal you’re aspiring to, or commitment you’re making) generates the activation energy required to create the change you want to make. When it comes to changing your beliefs, the intention you set and the activity you attend to should correspond to the results you want to see in your life—the belief you want to fall away and the one you want to nurture to replace it. The energy you put into both your intention (the idea you want to change) and the attention (the work you do to rewrite your belief) have to be in alignment, focused on your goal of belief change and what is necessary for you to get you closer to it.
Sound a little too “woo” for you? Think again. These are fundamental energetic shifts you must go through, and they occur on a physics level. Consider all the energy that went into building your beliefs in the first place. Over time, these physical and metaphysical changes took place in your body and mind to imbed a particular idea into your subconsciousness. In a way, you must reverse that process to evoke change, walking yourself back through each belief building block to dismantle it and build something new.
It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible either.
There are ten energetic shift processes to belief change—and like it or not, you can’t skip ’em.
Diving into these energetic shifts is where the quantum physics or mindfulness practices really starts to become apparent. Mindfulness says: Come and sit with yourself, in the seat of silence, and I promise you that you can sit with this suffering. If you do, wild transformation emerges.
As a coach and consultant, I don’t just firmly believe that we all can do this; I’ve personally lived it and witnessed it. Many people have spent their lives building armor around their radiant light because somebody, somewhere, told them that they couldn’t shine. But every person possesses the seeds of greatness that allow them to radiate.
Even you.
Do you have an experience of belief change that took you through each of these steps? If so, I want to know! Head over to Facebook to share any new insights, ideas, or questions you have!
Want to learn more? There’s a book for that! Click here to take the first step towards greater awakening, awareness, self-love, and personal transformation.
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